Mr. Ryan Lott » Staff Directory

Mr. Ryan Lott

High School and AP Math, Physics, Senior Bible, and Bible Literacy (a hermeneutical/evangelical elective) Teacher Southside Christian School
Photo of Mr. Ryan Lott

Biographical Info

Mr. Lott holds a double bachelor’s degree from William Carey University in Hattiesburg, MS, in both mathematics and Biblical studies, as well as a minor in English. Called by God to serve the local church faithfully, Mr. Lott also has his MDiv degree in preaching and pastoral ministry from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC. He loves to teach others, understanding teaching to be a lowly position of service for the students’ betterment and Christlike development. Mr. Lott is a current student of both mathematics and Biblical Greek, desiring to pursue his Ph.D. in Greek and New Testament studies. He has been married to his beautiful wife, Tonya, a fellow seminarian, since 2017, and he considers this to be God’s greatest measure of grace toward him.

Categories: Administration, Teacher
Updated 4 months ago.

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