Spiritual Life
The spiritual growth of the students at Southside Christian School is a priority. Biblical truth is instilled in each class, along with having a Bible class, daily prayer time and weekly chapel. Students are also encouraged to participate in events like See You at the Pole, Operation Christmas Child, and service projects.

Spiritual Life
The spiritual growth of the students at Southside Christian School is a priority. Biblical truth is instilled in each class, along with having a Bible class, daily prayer time and weekly chapel. Students are also encouraged to participate in events like See You at the Pole, Operation Christmas Child, and service projects.

By offering a rigorous college-preparatory academic program, SCS seeks to prepare students for the next stage of life, the upcoming year in school or life after graduation. High school students can be enrolled in honors, Advanced Placement, or classes with a community college.

By offering a rigorous college-preparatory academic program, SCS seeks to prepare students for the next stage of life, the upcoming year in school or life after graduation. High school students can be enrolled in honors, Advanced Placement, or classes with a community college.

Beyond Academics
In addition to focusing on academics, middle and high school students have electives including praise band, yearbook, art, performing arts, and more. Elementary students have special programs and celebrations throughout the year, including grandparents day, veteran’s program, Christmas program, and other celebrations.

Beyond Academics
In addition to focusing on academics, middle and high school students have electives including praise band, yearbook, art, performing arts, and more. Elementary students have special programs and celebrations throughout the year, including grandparents day, veteran’s program, Christmas program, and other celebrations.