Continuous Enrollment Agreement

Southside Christian School (SCS) is blessed with a majority of our current families reenrolling every year. SCS is introducing the continuous enrollment process to make it easier for parents to maintain their registration at SCS each year until graduation.


Families no longer have to take steps annually to secure a child’s spot for the upcoming school year. From the initial admission through high school graduation, your student will be considered enrolled at SCS unless a parent or guardian notifies the school otherwise.


Please take time to review this Continuous Enrollment Agreement fully, as your signature will confirm your understanding that your student(s) will be continuously enrolled at SCS. This contract begins this academic year and will automatically renew each successive academic year until your student graduates, SCS terminates the contract, or until a family completes a Withdrawal/Not Returning Form located on our school’s website.

All students in good academic, behavioral, and financial standing are eligible to return to SCS for the following school year.

As a family maintains their continuous enrollment, each student’s information (address, phone, email, emergency contacts, pick up information) will renew from grade to grade in our FACTS system.

Each January, SCS will publish the following school year’s tuition and fees, enrollment fee, and other enrollment information.


The enrollment fee will be charged to your FACTS account February 15 for the following academic year.

Once a tuition payment plan is set up, the agreement will renew with the same tuition payment plan each year unless the family provides written notice to the bookkeeper to change the payment plan option.


  • We agree to accept the rules and policies of SCS, including but not limited to the Statement of Faith, Parent-Student Handbook, and the Tuition and Fees document. The rules and policies of the school may be revised at any time and will be adequately communicated to school families when revisions occur.
  • We agree to keep our student’s demographic information updated with SCS.
  • We agree to maintain a current tuition payment plan and notify the school’s bookkeeper in writing with changes to our payment plan option.
    -Full Payment Plan: Payment in full is due May 1 before the academic year begins and the resource fee is charged to our account February 15.
    -Monthly Payment Plan: The 12-month tuition payment plan begins in May before the academic school year begins and ends in April.
  • We agree to fulfill all financial obligations promptly.
  • We agree to abide by this Continuous Enrollment Agreement, the Statement of Faith, Parent-Student Handbook, and Tuition and Fees document, and we acknowledge that we will review each document annually for policy changes or updates.

SCS understands that circumstances can change from year to year. If you do not plan to return to SCS for the upcoming school year, please notify us by February 5 to avoid being charged the nonrefundable enrollment fee. The Online Withdrawal/Not Returning Form can be found on our school’s website under the Forms.Handbooks.Calendar menu tab.

Parent Acknowledgement

(Formerly in the Reenrollment packet completed annually.)

  1. I am in full agreement with the Southside Christian School Statement of Faith.
  2. I agree to faithfully attend church with my child(ren) and to live the Christian life before them in a manner that promotes wholesomeness and prepares them to impact their generation for Christ.
  3. I have read the SCS Parent/Student Handbook and commit to following the policies outlined therein.
  4. I understand that Southside Christian School is a discipleship school.  My child will be dismissed from enrollment if I or my child chooses not to conform to the lifestyle that is in harmony with school rules and policies.
  5. I pledge my support and cooperation to the staff, teachers, and administration in the education and training of my child(ren).
  6. I will practice the principles outlined in Matthew 18 when dealing with anyone in the school community by refraining from gossip, slander and scornful communication, including on social media.  I will go directly to the person with whom I have a conflict to promote peace and resolution. Whenever there is a dispute or grievance concerning any aspect of Southside Christian School operations between two parties connected in a direct way to the school, the guidelines as detailed in the Parent Student Handbook will be followed in keeping with Matthew 18. These parties include students, parents, staff, volunteers, administration, and School Board. The parties agree that any claim or dispute shall be settled by biblically-based mediation. If resolution of the dispute and reconciliation do not result from mediation, the matter shall then be submitted to a panel of three independent and objective arbitrators for binding arbitration. Each party to the agreement shall have the right to select one arbitrator (unless the parties mutually agree to the use of only one arbitrator). The two arbitrators selected by the parties shall jointly select the neutral, third arbitrator. If there is an impasse in the selection of the third arbitrator, the Institute for Christian Conciliation division of Peacemaker Ministries of Billings, Montana [(406) 256-1583] shall be asked to provide the name of a qualified person who will serve in that capacity. The mediation and arbitration process shall be conducted in accordance with the "Rules of Procedure for Christian Conciliation" contained in the Peacemaker Ministries booklet, Guidelines for Christian Conciliation. The parties agree that these methods shall be the sole remedy for any controversy or claim arising out of the employment relationship or this agreement and expressly waive their right to file a lawsuit against one another in any civil court for such disputes, except to enforce a legally binding arbitration decision. A copy of the booklet Guidelines for Christian Conciliation is available, upon request.
  7. I will bring my child to school on time each day, allow my child to remain throughout the day, in accordance with the school attendance requirements unless an emergency/unavoidable appointment prevents me from doing so.
  8. I will notify the school office immediately if there is a major change at home (marital, medical, and so forth).  This allows the school to support the student through an event that can impact a child's focus, spiritual life, and academic ability.
  9. I will submit in writing to the office any change of address, telephone, medical, or legal information.
  10. I have read and agree to the tuition charge and payment schedule including fees for NSF and late payments.
  11. I agree to pay tuition in full by May 1 via a payment plan through FACTS from May - April.  I understand that if I pay in full, the resource fee of $550 is due at time of reenrollment.
  12. I understand that all accounts are payable through FACTS Tuition Management.
  13. I agree if I withdraw my child after July 1 that I will pay a $500 withdrawal fee.
  14. I agree that if my family withdraws our child after the first day of school that I will be responsible for tuition for the quarter in which the withdrawal took place, plus a $500 withdrawal fee.
  15. I understand that SCS has a formal Learning Support Program to provide a structured program to enable learning opportunities for students with diagnosed learning needs.  Should my child require support from the Learning Support Program, fees in addition to the general tuition will apply to cover the cost of additional services.
  16. I understand and agree that attendance and enrollment at Southside Christian School is a privilege, not a right.
  17. I will do everything possible to have my child start and complete the entire academic year, realizing that another student and family may be denied this privilege as a result of my child's enrollment.
  18. I agree to my child's photo and/or my image to be used for promotional purposes if the images are captured during a school related event.
Full Name and Grade
Full Name and Grade
Full Name and Grade
Full Name and Grade
The Parent Signature and Date are treated by Southside Christian School like a physical handwritten signature on a paper form.